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Electrical safety guidelines for working near overhead power lines

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Understanding the safety zones around overhead electrical lines is crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring safe work practices. According to Section 166A of the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, the following safety distances are required:

  • 0.5 metres: For live insulated overhead electric lines or aerial bundled conductor lines with a voltage of up to 1,000 volts.
  • 1.0 metre: For live uninsulated overhead electric lines with a voltage of up to 1,000 volts.
  • 3.0 metres: For live overhead electric lines with a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts but not more than 33,000 volts.
  • 6.0 metres: For live overhead electric lines with a voltage exceeding 33,000 volts.

If you need to work near powerlines, it's essential to familiarise yourself with the safety guidelines to avoid hazards:

For further assistance or detailed guidance on safety practices, please contact ECA safety on (08) 6241 6100 or safety@ecawa.org.au
