HSEQ Management System

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HSEQ solutions tailored to suit the requirements of all WA electrical businesses

ECA WA's Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Management System has been designed to meet the requirements of Australia’s electrical, communications, refrigeration and air conditioning industries.

Suitable for sole contractors and larger businesses, this customisable and user friendly safety system can help you comply with WA’s specific WHS regulations, and manage your health, safety, environment and quality requirements.

If you're already a HSEQ client, you can log in to the HSEQ portal via the link below? Want to know more? Give our local Balcatta office a call.

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HSEQ SWMS Online Package (Level One)

Just need SWMS? No problems! Our Level One package contains a whole host of generic SWMS for your business, with over 60 templates included. You'll get access to our Industry-specific high-risk, electrical, and refrigeration SWMS to ensure you have everything you need on hand to assist with compliancy. 

If you'd like to see what SWMS are included, see our SWMS flyer.

HSEQ Level 2 Small Business Safety Pack

HSEQ Lite - Small Business Safety Pack

Need something a little more than SWMS templates? We've got you covered! With our HSEQ Lite Small Business Safety Pack, you'll get 24/7 access to your safety documents and forms, including SWMS, policies, registers, forms, checklists, and a whole host more.

You'll also recieve:

  • One hour of WHS consultancy, to help ensure the policies and forms you use reflect what you need for your business
  • All forms provided in electronic format for ease of use
  • Access to your pack via the HSEQ online portal.
  • Ongoing support from our professional and trained team

HSEQ Management System

The HSEQ Management System is our top tier safety product. It has been endorsed by JAS-ANZ Accredited Certification Company, TQCSI, to ensure that the system meets the needs of electrical, communications, refrigeration and air conditioning companies and provides independent and recognised compliance in safety, environment and quality.

  • Compliant to ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • Compliant to TQCSI QHSE Code: 2013

Our HSEQ Management System has been specifically designed for businesses in response to a demand by governments and major customers to better manage workplace safety, environmental and quality control.

In addition to all the benefits from HSEQ Lite, you will also recieve:

  • Extra consultancy time with our safety experts
  • Permits and work instructions
  • Addtional procedures, policies, registers, forms, checklists, and more
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Ready to sign-up to HSEQ?

Complete the ECA WA Safety Order Form and return it to safety@ecawa.org.au.

Want to know more?

Contact us on (08) 6241 6100 or safety@ecawa.org.au. to find out how HSEQ can benefit you.

How can HSEQ help your business?

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The HSEQ Management System can be customised to your business, ensuring your details, personnel and specifications are applied to create your individualised System. ECA WA will work with your business from the beginning to assist in correctly setting up the System, ensuring it reflects your structure and how you conduct your business.

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The HSEQ Management System has been developed by ECA WA and audited by prominent JAS-ANZ Accredited Certification Company, TQCSI, to ensure that the system meets the needs of electrical, communications, refrigeration and air conditioning businesses and provides independent and recognised certification in safety, environment and quality.

  • Complies with QHSE Code: 2013 and
  • Fully meets the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
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Set-up support and training

ECA WA works with you to implement the HSEQ Management Manual into your business operations, providing (where requested) training of your workers in its use.

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Regular updates

All HSEQ documentation is kept up to date with WA's WHS requirements and regulations - we'll let you lnpw when their has been an update and what the key changes are.

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Optional audits available

ECA WA can conduct audits every 12 months (maximum) against the QHSE Code: 2013 and the ISO 45001:2018 Standard to see how your business is implementing the HSEQ Management System which will include a gap analysis and recommendations on improvements required. An annual external audit is recommended to ensure your company is appropriately managing its safety, environmental and quality processes and to ensure the ongoing ECA WA Compliance of the HSEQ Management System is maintaine

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Secure 24/7 access

All the documentation of the HSEQ Management System is available online at wa.hseq.asn.au via secure login. Access to this valuable resource is available with an annual subscription and will ensure that your system is kept fully updated with relevant amendments.

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Become a member to get access to HSEQ

Members have access to the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Management System, specifically designed to meet the requirements of Australia’s electrical, communications, refrigeration and air conditioning industries.

Whether your a sole contractor or a larger company, HSEQ can help your business be compliant with WA legislation and manage your health, safety, environment, and quality needs. It’s user-friendly and can be customised to fit the unique requirements of your business.
